poniedziałek, 22 sierpnia 2011


Mi: Po ulewnych deszczach Karo namówiła mnie na szukanie ślimaków (tych najbardziej obrzydliwych, bez domków). I nawet myślałam, że zrobię im kilka fotek, ale Karolina za każdym razem wchodziła w kadr (!) 

Mi: After heavy summer rains, Karo encouraged me to go for a walk to find some snails (only those the most disgusting, without shells). And I even planned to make them a couple of pictures, but Karolina was getting in the frame every single time. Damn(!)

Piosenka na dziś:     Florence & the Machine "Hurricane Drunk"


Shoes: Stradivarius
Ring: Stradivarius and Allegro
Bag: sh
Belt: sh
Dress: TK Maxx
Blazer: sh

1 komentarz:

  1. I guess, that you’ve lookin’ for some big snails, because you were doing “horizontally” foto, not in the street direction;P And when it goes about fashion… Hmm… I have no experience, but it’s not bad;P I’ll write something only, when some clothes bring me out of balance, and… F*ck this, you know what I’m thinking about some "kitsch-mode" clothes.

    Sorry for my "not-good-english"

